Impact Fund 2020

Design | Video Editing | Animation

Branding Designed By Ashley Hair

Every year, Calvary Christian Church in Bellevue, NE campaigns to help and give generously supporting and impacting the community around them. This is the Impact Fund, and it is just one of the many ways Calvary “Lives and Loves like Jesus” in the Omaha Metro Area.

I had the distinct privilege to work as a Creative Resident at the time I filmed, video edited, interviewed, and animated the overview video and its corresponding stories. This was a collaboration with Calvary’s members and staff and overseen by the Executive Pastor of Operations, Aaron Asay. The Impact Fund branding was designed by Ashley Hair.

The Impact Fund of 2020 kicked off in November 2019 and went until the beginning of January 2020. The full amount raised was $350,693!


Fundraiser Stories


2020 Laurels Awards


I ♥ My Church